Hola muchachos y muchachas.
quiero anunciar que voy a colaborar con mis torpes garabatos en este
libro de anatomia junto con una horda de artistas ACOJONANTES tales
como Andrew Robinson, Loopy Dave o Dan "Urban Barbarian" Panosian. Este
libro va a tener un monton de vistas neutrales, simetricas y sin posar
de tanto hombres como mujeres de buen ver, interpretados por muchos
artistas con muchos estilos distintos, asi que es util para artistas 2d y
3d interesados en representar humanos. Pero este tocho necesita
financiarse a base de kickstarter para ver la luz del sol, asi que si os
interesa, estad atentos a la web de Masters of Anatomy:
Hi guys and gals.
I just want to announce that I'm going to
collaborate on this anatomy book with my clumsy doodles, along with a
horde of AMAZING artists such as Andrew Robinson, Loopy Dave or Dan
"Urban Barbarian" Panosian. This book is going to feature a lot of
neutral simetrical and unposed views of both hot men and women,
interpreted by many many different artists with different styles, so
it's kinda useful for 2d and 3d artists interested on depicting humans.
But this thing needs to be kickstarted to see the light, so if you are
interested in, stay tuned to the Masters of Anatomy website: mastersofanatomy.com/